How To Make Donations

Donations support the Center’s programs. Individual, church and corporate donations are invited.

The Center for the Church and Global AIDS is a non-profit organization, classified by the IRS as exempt under IRC Section (501) (c) (3) and is a public charity under IRC section 509. All donations are tax exempt and will be acknowledged. In addition to cash, donors may make gifts of publicly traded securities. No funds are used for salaries of officers, board members, or the International Advisory Council.

How to Donate

Center for the Church and Global AIDS
7185 South Niagara Circle
Centennial, Colorado 80112
E Mail


  • Providing Hope for Children - The worldwide HIV/AIDS epidemic has resulted in more than 18 million orphans and vulnerable children, with 6,100 new orphans added each day. Globally, pediatric HIV and AIDS has been overlooked. Funds are needed to prevent HIV infection of infants born to HIV infected mothers, as well as for caring for mothers and children after birth.
  • Sharing a Theology of Life - Challenging attitudes and actions that contribute to stigma and discrimination must be priorities of Christians. Promoting a theology of life through theological education programs for laity, clergy, and seminarians, the Center partners with other faith-based organizations to educate compassionate, competent religious leaders in the struggle to stop and pandemic and to provide practical and pastoral support for people living with HIV and AIDS. Gifts to the Center provide funds for seminars in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
  • Offering Spiritual Strength and Solace - Persons infected and affected by HIV and AIDS face special spiritual challenges as they struggle with issues of health and caring for themselves and their loved ones. Too often they feel isolated from their churches and other faith communities, due to stigma and feelings of being abandoned by family, friends, and even God. Spiritual support, strength and solace are needed. In partnership with Upper Room Ministries, the Center is creating a special international, interdenominational, and intercultural edition of the devotional magazine which will be distributed free of charge, in many languages, around the world. A million copies are planned. Gifts to the Center provide support for the publication and distribution of these "Prayers for Encouragement; Hope for Persons Living with HIV and AIDS, Malaria, Tuberculosis, and Other Serious Diseases."
  • Giving Love Gifts - Many persons with HIV and AIDS report that worse than having the virus is the way people treat them. When faced with life-threatening disease, persons need to know compassion, counseling and care--to be touched and to be affirmed. Often impoverished and lonely, they yearn for more than medicine. The Center provides gifts of toys to children and clothing (saris for women and shirts for men) in a large AIDS hospital in India. Your gifts of any size make a difference, since each year nearly 800 gifts of love are distributed.
  • “Training the Trainers”—In rural Kenya community health care workers are being training in 174 churches to provide health education, HIV prevention, home and community-based care. By encouraging youth mothers to practice safe motherhood and offering counseling to care-givers on stress management, these health care workers struggle to bring hope, healing, and help to an area where the numbers of infected and affected grow daily.
  • Educating and Feeding HIV Infected Women and Children—Gifts to the Center are shared with the Tambaram Community Development Society in south India. School bags and educational kits are provided for 425 impoverished “dalit” (the “untouchable caste”) children. Commercial sex workers are helped to find alternative employment to feed themselves and their children.
  • Publishing Educational Materials to Fight HIV and AIDS—Gifts to the Center have made possible the publication in India and Burma of low cost editions of Breaking the Conspiracy of Silence: Christian Churches and the Global AIDS Crisis.
  • Meeting Emerging Needs - Donations to the Center are always needed to provide general assistance for emerging needs. Small grants in the past has been given for providing AIDS counseling to women raped in Sierra Leone, purchasing health kits and emergency food supplies in Kenya, training volunteer church counselors in South Africa, supporting additional nursing care in India, offering prevention programs in a Russian prison, supplying needed medicine for children in India, helping children with HIV to attend school, buying supplies in Burma, and meeting similar needs